SDK Dependencies

Beamable SDK dependencies

Here is an overview of all dependencies of the "Beamable SDK for Unity".

Unity Editor Versions

Ensure the Unity Editor Version properly matches the Beamable SDK version in use when Installing Beamable.

VersionUnity Editor Version (Min / Max)
Beamable SDK v0.9.0( 2020 LTS / 2022 LTS )
Beamable SDK v0.0.1( 2020 LTS / 2022 LTS )

Unity Package Versions

Ensure the Unity Package Versions properly matches the Beamable SDK version when updating via Unity's Package Manager Window.

VersionAddressables (Min / Max)TextMeshPro (Min / Max)UIElements (Min / Max)
Beamable SDK v0.9.0≥ 1.16.16≥ 1.4.1≥ 1.0.0
Beamable SDK v0.0.1( 1.2.4 / 1.13.0 )( 1.4.1 / 2.2.0 )≥ 1.0.0


Beamable SDK Compatibility

Beamable supports many Unity target platforms including iOS/Android on Mobile and Windows/Mac for PC

TextMeshPro Versions

TextMeshPro has different major version numbers that correspond to different Unity versions. Except where otherwise noted, Beamable is compatible with all versions of TextMeshPro supported by the corresponding Unity version. Every new Unity project comes with the appropriate TextMeshPro version already installed.

  • Unity 2018.4.x LTS => TextMeshPro 1.x
  • Unity 2019.4.x LTS => TextMeshPro 2.x