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Microstorage errors
Hi, I try to follow documentation to create and use micro storage, but when I try to run my microservice I have these errors:
WSS Error. method=[get] uri=[basic/beamo/storage/connection] code=[500] payload=[{"status":500,"service":"beamo","error":"InternalError","message":" Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret. (Service: SecretsManager, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 8b65da6e-116c-4450-b39e-f186e768fa3f)"}]
Failed to get IMongoDatabase instance for type Beamable.CortexMicroservice.TestDatabase with error: WSS Error. method=[get] uri=[basic/beamo/storage/connection] code=[500] payload=[{"status":500,"service":"beamo","error":"InternalError","message":" Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret. (Service: SecretsManager, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 8b65da6e-116c-4450-b39e-f186e768fa3f)"}]
Does any one know why?