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How does auto scaling work? Are there limits?

I was told that, in the event that the Beamable platform can not scale up fast enough to handle the load, the client is returned failure codes indicating rate limiting until the infrastructure can scale out farther. Is there a ceiling to how much you will scale? Are there scenarios (DDoS?) where there is a maximum scale beamable will go, and a degradation in service is expected?


Service Level Agreement - Uptime - Outages

What is your service level agreement and uptime commitment? What happens if they have a significant update that has a blackout window?


Getting Game Stats in MergedMicroservice

Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to get game stats (like SESSION_DAYS) in our MergedMicroservice because when I try to do that, it gives me this error:
Exception "UnauthenticatedException": "WSS Error. method=[get] uri=[basic/stats/client/batch?format=stringlist&objectIds=game.private.player.1507990476342285] code=[403] payload=[{"status":403,"service":"stats","error":"NoReadAccess","message":""}]" - "Beamable.Common"
" at Beamable.Common.Promise`1.GetResult() in /Client/client/Packages/com.beamable/Common/Runtime/Promise.cs:line 440


DeviceID vs. UserID

Hello folks! I have an IDs question please. We're trying to determine if there are format rules that we can safely use to programmatically determine if an ID is a DeviceID or a UserID in Beamable. For example, DeviceIDs seem to have alphabet characters, so we might be able to build a rule around that. Would anyone have suggestions on ID format rules we can rely on for Device and User IDs? Thank you!


Scaling with Microstorage MongoDB

Hi! I was looking at the variety of services Beamable provides for future projects and was wondering what kind of scaling strategy is available out of the box with the MicroStorage MongoDB services?


Changing Alias

I made a typo in my alias for my Beamable account. Can you change this for me?


How can I disable the presence API calls?

I know that the MatchmakingService requires the heart beat call, but I don't need matchmaking, and I don't want my game to send so many API calls. What can I do about it?


Heartbeat API calls

In my API calls, I notice calls to a Beamable service called "session." What is this? Is this a keep-alive/heartbeat call?


Party Matchmaking Questions

  1. Sometimes Party members data is lost. When creating the party, when someone is joining

  2. Leave party (at least when alone), error when called. The party data is already gone, but IsInParty still true, when create a party again error.

  3. There is invite method. But I can't find any event listener / method to handle that. Such as OnInvited or AcceptInvitation.

  4. What is loading mean in observable?

  5. Do you have any date or timeline when the party service ready?

  6. Is there a party storage? Similiar to clientData in GroupService that we can utilize?

  7. Is there any method / way to disband the party?

  8. What is the difference between Party.State vs Party.Value aside from its getter setter?

  9. Is Party.State / Party.Value automaticaly updated if there is a change in party data? (new member join, owner change, etc). I found that we can also get Party data directly from Party, ex: Party.Id, Party.Members, Party.Leader. Members data is List. Are those string values gamerTags? Why string not long? What is the difference between gamerTag (long) vs playerId (string)?


Assume User

Does GetStats/SetStats also does some sort of AssumeUser?