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Directly connecting to Mongo DB

Is there a way to connect directly to the Mongo DB Without using Microservice?


Microservice Requester

To make a request from a microservice to another microservice, I saw that we should use the microservice Requester, but in the method Requester.request, the body is of type object but this is very abstract. I tried making a string json with my parameters but it's not working. Can you give us a proper way/data struture on how to do that?


Leaderboard questions- GetAssignedBoard, GetBoard, Leaderboardref

Hi! I have some questions regarding the leaderboard.
1)What's the difference between GetAssignedBoard() and GetBoard() ? Looking at both functions, they seem to do the same thing as they take the same arguments and have the same return type.
2)What is a LeaderboardRef and how do we obtain it? When is it more interesting to use LeaderboardRef instead of string boardId?
3)Is it correct to assume that long? focus = null pertains to a playerId, and that by providing this field, the function will return leaderboard entries around this player?


JWT Questions

1 - The microservice needs the library to decode the JWT, the way I did the installation was to download the nuget package, extract it as a zip and get the contents of the lib folder, I used the netstandard 2.0 version of all DLLs and put these DLLs in the unity in a plugins folder and referenced them in the login microservice in the Assembly References area. Is this process correct? If not, what is the correct way to do this? And which version should be used, net40 / net45 / net60 ?


Getting a Realm Name or ID

Is there a way to get the current realm name from within the c# API? My intent is to provide a means for me to quickly see what realm i’m connected to.
I’ll also accept just a realm ID, and I can suss out the name myself.


How can I return Content from a Microservice?

I have Beamable Content objects that I want to do some complex filtering on in a Microservice, and then return the results to a player in Unity. When I return the content objects from a ClientCallable, the content in Unity is missing the ContentName and other base type properties? Why? What can I do?


Can I use Beamable without unity?

As the title suggests I'm working on a project not inside unity just a Winforms Application.
Can Beamable be used in this project?


How to find CID

How do I find my CID?