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Maximum capacity for chat

Is there a maximum capacity for chat rooms?


Windows PC docker not detected issue

Windows PC docker not detected issue


Account Realms

Is there an endpoint to get the realms our account has?


DB syncing between local and online

How is the DB synced in terms of data between local tests and online? Is there a
way to reset the DB with a button or a query is needed to do so?


Admin tokens accessing ClientCallable method

Hey, Beamable team. I am having an issue with admin tokens not being able to access a ClientCallable method. When using an administrative access token the MS logs show that the account can't be found.


Anonymous users and log ins

Does a "user" whether anonymous or logged in has to be present to make API calls? Does this cause a lot of anonymous users to get created?


Enforcing login

What is the best way to enforce users to login (email & password method) every time they start up our Unity game?


Modifying Odin Inspector

We can see in your documentation that everything has to be done via ScriptableObjects inherited from the ContentObject class. We have our own prefabs, with some plugins (like Odin Inspector) for better tooling, so we can improve the experience of creating and managing the game data. This also allows us to configure the game so we can read all the game data from those ScriptableObjects, so we can easily develop and test new content, features, etc...


Creating players accounts for Gamesparks players

I don't see how I can create player accounts for each Gamesparks player on my end - since those are linked to the device the player uses to login, how can I create that myself?


Players cloud save

Is there any way to access Cloud Saving of a player from another player session? I need my player to be able to perform something, send his data to the cloud and another user to use these data. It's huge data so it needs to be stored in a file