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Deleting baked content

Hi Beamable! I tried baking beamable content and now I want to reset it (download all content from server). Will simply deleting bakedContent.bytes do the job?


NullReferenceException when accessing a storage db

Every once in a while, after starting microservices locally, they return a NullReferenecException whenever they try to access a storage db with Storage.GetDatabase() (which is pretty much all the time in this case). Locally this usually goes away after restarting them a couple times. Deployed microservices keep doing that though. Any idea what could be going wrong?


ApplyToken and UpdateUserData

When do you use ApplyToken and UpdateUserData? Or should we be using just one and not the other?


Microservice randomly stopping

Is it possible to get more logs from the microservice or connect to a container? My microservice stopped starting (after adding too much code?), if I change the base image from 6.0-alpine to 6.0 it starts but seems to be crashing. The local container works fine.


Remove device ID in Portal

I'm trying to remove a device id in the web portal for a user, but I just get an error. For some it works and others it doesn't. It also doesn't work to forget a user in the portal. When clicking "Forget User" it looks all good, but nothing at all happens it seems.


Invalid Game Type



How do o get the money from playing games


Override trial content

Hi, I have questions about A/B tests. Is it possible to override content inside a trial? Ex: I create content called LevelProgression. This single content is an array of possible player levels, XP required, and potential rewards.


Password Reset

I am currently trying to get the password reset working, but when calling BeamContext.Api.AuthService.IssuePasswordUpdate(...) (or Services.Auth.IssuePasswordUpdate(...) from a micro service) I get this error from the server: