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Can groups hold custom data (e.g. for a guild research tree)?
Microservices and Beamable versions
Are there any issues surrounding microservice deployments on different versions of Beamable compared to the client version?
C# Error through and handling using the system.exception class
The BBB sample shows error throwing and handling using the System.Exception class.
-Does it handle serializing arbitrary exceptions or should it specifically use System.Exception at the moment?
-What happens when there are network errors? Does the Microservice base class attempt retries, etc?
-If so, is it configurable in any way?
-Can calling code differentiate between exceptions thrown by the ClientCallable annotated methods and exceptions thrown by the surrounding Beamable SDK or network?
Get itemID
I added an item using InventoryBuilder and then Services.Inventory.Update(inventoryUpdateBuilder). How can I get the itemId of this new inventory item? Since I want to store it on a local data script to later call other methods that require the itemId.
User connection to Beamable servers
What would be the most reliable address for us to ping as part of a client network check to quickly determine whether the user’s device has a reliable connection to the Beamable servers?
Creating a build, CID/PID & realms
Where we can put these settings (CID and PID) while creating the build?
Microservice storage vs. Stats
- When should we use microservice storage over stats?
- Is microservice storage integrated with analytics/targeting mechanisms, or should we rely on stats for those?
Setting stats
Is it possible to set stats for specific user, not current one?
Saving Sprites in custom content
How should we best save sprites in custom content?