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Managing app store refunds

Does Beamable support receiving notifications for refunds from the app stores? We are trying to prevent issues with non-consumables to prevent people from still getting access to items despite requesting a refund.

App getting crashed when tried Google sign in

when tried to sign in using google the application is crashed and there are no errors in logcat. attached ClientID both iOS and android.

Whats the proper way to uninstall Beamable?

Hi. Is there a propper way to uninstall beamable? I can't find it in the documentation

Can I disable connectivity handling?

My app is regularly reporting a lack of connectivity even when it is clear that I have a strong internet connection. Can I disable the connectivity handling?

Hi how to check smsverification code validation, can i get any call back if the entered same verification code by user is same as the code that has been sent


What does the Performance testing API do?

hello, today I noticed a Performance testing API , do I need to worry about it? What does it do?

Is the device ID stored when using Frictionless Login?

when using Frictionless Login does it keep track of the device ID? means when a player reinstalls the game and does it login to the old ID or create a new?

How do I create a match between two specific players?

I want players who are friends to be able to challenge each other. Is there a way to do it?

Chat Service has no messages only at start

At the start, just right after the default BeamContext is ready, I subscribe to the chat service, then I use ChatView to load chats and messages. The chats found in the chat view are correct, but they don't hold any messages, even if I have sent chat messages in those chats before. In fact, the next time that some update happens in the subscription, previous messages are present. Is there something I'm missing? Should I wait for some kind of initialization before subscribing?

I can't publish Microservices

Hello. I'm having a strange issue while trying to publish a microservice with its storage to the cloud. It happened once I upgraded the Mac OS to Sonoma, but I also upgraded Docker as well. First, a warning, saying that I can't build docker images to linux/**amd64**, but at the same time that the linux/**amd64** builder is available. Then a message [BUILD]\:#0 building with "desktop-linux" instance using docker driver. The desktop-linux instance doesn't have linux/amd64. So, finally, an error. I've tried to install more builders as suggested by the warning (they were there already), but the issue remains. Beamable-builder is the default. Your help is much appreciated.