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[v0.0.133] How do I know when the Beamable SDK has initialized?
I want to be able to tell when the SDK has initialized or a User has successfully logged in.
What async workflows does Beamable support? How can I use Promises with async/await, Coroutines, and callbacks?
Beamable returns promises in various places, especially when making network calls. How do I get values out of promises, and get them to work nicely with coroutines, callbacks, or async/await?
How can I programmatically tell if the user has changed?
Using the Beamable Account Management Flow, players can change which account they are logged into. How can I hook into this event to perform my own logic?
How can I get a list of all running events?
I've created an Event through the content manager which should be running, but I'm not sure how to tell whether it is.
How does Receipt Validation work?
How does Receipt Validation work?
Cross-platform Support
Does Beamable support cross-platform like mobile to PC?
How can I manually validate Content with C# in the Unity Editor?
There is a validate button in the Content Manager, and it validates content and shows any errors in a popup window. Can I call this function from C#? Can I get a list of content validation exceptions?
How can I call a Microservice method from outside Unity?
When I use the Microservices feature, I can execute methods marked with the [ClientCallable] attribute from the Unity game. However, I want to be able to run those same methods from a web browser, or an HTTP utility. How can I do that?