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How do I cancel an AWS Marketplace subscription with Beamable?
I have signed up for Beamable using the AWS Marketplace option at
Not accessing Beamable portal or project from unity Editor
It initially works for some days and suddenly throws the following error in Unity editor
Best practices for inventory and item quantity
Regarding best practices in the inventory system, is it a good idea to store the quantity of items in their properties? For example, the player can gather wood as an item in the game. We are giving the player a single item each time, but we could change that to have only one wood item with a property showing the number of items.
How do we ensure transaction consistency across multiple operations?
Is it possible to get the player count on a leaderboard with one API call ?
Is it possible to get the player count on a leaderboard with one API call ? If it is, is there any documentation on it ? I didn't find it online.
How do I register my webAPI?
You'll need to register your Web API key and AppID in the Beamable portal at
Load content values in content manager programmatically (Unity)
I created a custom content type: "Tilemap" and I wanted to serialize all my levels as json and publish them (to the content manager). This way I could release new levels without releasing a new client version.
Can I change my email?
I don't see a way to change an email on an account. Is this possible?
How do I resolve a "BsonSerializationException": "Element name '\_id' is not valid'. " when trying to use the CRUD Update Extension for Mongo?
Currently, I have a problem with the CRUD Update extension for Mongo. It requires the ID as string and the document to update.
Am I allowed to use Beamable with Xbox and Playstation games?
Am I allowed to use Beamable with Xbox and Playstation games? Are there any limitations?