Friends - Code


Friends can be accessed directly through the ISocialApi interface, or conveniently through the BeamContext.Social accessor. The following samples illustrate how to achieve common use cases by using the BeamContext.

Friends SDK

View Social Data

The BeamContext.Social returns an instance of PlayerSocial which is a serializable object you can view in the Unity inspector. The PlayerSocial object is an observable type, which means that Beamable will update it silently in the background as friendships are initiated, made, or broken.


Beamable Observables

You can use C# events to listen for changes to the PlayerSocial object. Use the ctx.Social.OnUpdated event to receive any update. The fields themselves also have events, such as ctx.Social.Friends.OnDataUpdated.

using Beamable.Player;
using UnityEngine;

public class FriendsSample : MonoBehaviour
    public PlayerSocial social;
    async void Start()
        var ctx = BeamContext.Default;
        await ctx.OnReady;
        social = ctx.Social;

There are 4 main resources associated with a PlayerSocial,

  1. The PlayerSocial.Friends list, which is an observable list of friends.
  2. The PlayerSocial.Blockedlist, which is an observable list of blocked players.
  3. The PlayerSocial.SentInvites list, which is an observable list of friend invites sent from the current player.
  4. The PlayerSocial.ReceivedInvites list, which is an observable list of friend invites sent to the current player.
The `PlayerSocial`object is serializable, so you can view the data in the inspector

The PlayerSocialobject is serializable, so you can view the data in the inspector


Experiment with Multiple Beam Context objects

Validating friend invites can be hard when you're just one developer on one machine. Luckily, you can create multiple BeamContext instances at once in the same gameplay session. These samples all use BeamContext.Deafult for simplicity, but you can change them to use BeamContext.ForPlayer("player1"), and BeamContext.ForPlayer("player2") to simulate two unique players.

Send an Invite

using Beamable;
using UnityEngine;

public class FriendsSample : MonoBehaviour
    public long playerToBefriend;
    async void Invite()
        var ctx = BeamContext.Default;
        await ctx.OnReady;
        await ctx.Social.Invite(playerToBefriend);

Accept an Invite

using Beamable;
using UnityEngine;

public class FriendsSample : MonoBehaviour
    async void Accept()
        var ctx = BeamContext.Default;
        await ctx.OnReady;
        await ctx.Social.ReceivedInvites[0].AcceptInvite();

Remove a friend

using Beamable;
using UnityEngine;

public class FriendsSample : MonoBehaviour
    async void RemoveFriend()
        var ctx = BeamContext.Default;
        await ctx.OnReady;
        await ctx.Social.Friends[0].Unfriend()

Cancel Sent Invite

using Beamable;
using UnityEngine;

public class FriendsSample : MonoBehaviour
    async void Cancel()
        var ctx = BeamContext.Default;
        await ctx.OnReady;
        await ctx.Social.SentInvites[0].Cancel();

Block a Player

using Beamable;
using UnityEngine;

public class FriendsSample : MonoBehaviour
    public long playerIdToBlock;
    async void Block()
        var ctx = BeamContext.Default;
        await ctx.OnReady;

        await ctx.Social.BlockPlayer(playerIdToBlock);

Unblock a Player

using Beamable;
using UnityEngine;

public class FriendsSample : MonoBehaviour
    async void Unblock()
        var ctx = BeamContext.Default;
        await ctx.OnReady;

        await ctx.Social.Blocked[0].Unblock();

Import Friends from Facebook

A player who has associated a Facebook credential with their account may automatically import Facebook friends. Facebook friends who have also linked a Facebook credential will be listed as Beamable friends. When one player imports Facebook friends, all imported friends will have the initiating player as a friend as well.

using Beamable;
using UnityEngine;

public class FriendsSample : MonoBehaviour
  	public string facebookAuthToken;
    async void Unblock()
        var ctx = BeamContext.Default;
        await ctx.OnReady;

        await ctx.Social.ImportThirdPartyFriends(facebookAuthToken);


A friend may have a presence object that describes the friend's online status. Friend presence is accessible directly from the PlayerFriend structure, or by using the ctx.Presence SDK.

Listen for friend presence changes

var ctx = await BeamContext.ForPlayer(code).Instance;
ctx.Social.FriendPresenceChanged += friend =>
  Debug.Log($"{ctx.UserId} saw friend {friend.UserId} go online=[{friend.Presence.status}] - desc=[{friend.Presence.description}]");

Set your current presence

var ctx = await BeamContext.ForPlayer(code).Instance;
await ctx.Presence.SetPlayerStatus(PresenceStatus.Away, "away from the computer");

Direct Access

While the previous section is the preferred way to interact with Beamable friends, you can also access the API layer directly. This approach requires much more effort to manage.

using Beamable;
using Beamable.Common.Api.Social;
using UnityEngine;

public class FriendsSample : MonoBehaviour
    void Direct()
        var ctx = BeamContext.Default;
        var socialApi = ctx.ServiceProvider.GetService<ISocialApi>();