Inventory - Code

Store virtual items in player inventory [ECON-Inventory-03]


Beamable SDK Examples

The following example code is available for download at


Here are snippets from InventoryItemExample.cs;

Add Item

Give the active player a new Inventory Item.

public async void AddOneItem()
  	// acquire a context
  	var ctx = await BeamContext.Default.Instance;
    // grant an item
    await ctx.Inventory.Update(builder => builder.AddItem("item.hat"));

Get Items

Get a list for the active player of all owned Inventory Items.

public async void GetItems()
  	// acquire a context
  	var ctx = await BeamContext.Default.Instance;
  	// GetItems() allows a ItemRef to specify which type of items to get
    var items = ctx.Inventory.GetItems(); 
  	// wait for the items to be updated
    await items.Refresh();
    foreach (var item in items)
      Debug.Log($"item id=[{item.ItemId}] type=[{item.ContentId}]");

Delete Item

Remove from the active player an Inventory Item.

public async void DeleteOneItem()
    var ctx = await BeamContext.Default.Instance;
    var items = ctx.Inventory.GetItems();
    await items.Refresh();

    var itemToDelete = items[0];
    await ctx.Inventory.Update(builder => builder.DeleteItem(itemToDelete.ContentId, itemToDelete.ItemId));

Delayed Updates

Every time the Update method is called, a network request will be sent to Beamable. In some circumstances this will produce too much network traffic. In the Unity SDK, the UpdateDelayed function can be used to batch requests made in quick succession.

public async void Update()
	var ctx = await BeamContext.Default.Instance;

	ctx.Inventory.UpdateDelayed(b => b.CurrencyChange("currency.gems", 3));
	ctx.Inventory.UpdateDelayed(b => b.CurrencyChange("currency.coins", 3));
	ctx.Inventory.UpdateDelayed(b => b.CurrencyChange("currency.dollars", 3));

	await ctx.Inventory.WaitForDelayedUpdate();


Observe changes (ex. add/remove) for the active player of all owned Inventory Items.

private async void ListenForInventory()
    var ctx = await BeamContext.Default.Instance;

    var items = ctx.Inventory.GetItems();
    await items.Refresh();

    foreach (var item in items)
      item.OnUpdated += () =>
        Debug.Log($"Item updated {item.ItemId}");

    items.OnUpdated += () =>
      Debug.Log("Inventory updated");

    items.OnElementsAdded += newItems =>
      Debug.Log("Added items");
      foreach (var item in newItems)
        item.OnUpdated += () =>
          Debug.Log($"Item updated {item.ItemId}");

    items.OnElementRemoved += removedItems =>
      Debug.Log($"Removed {removedItems.Count()} items");

Inventory Updates

The InventoryUpdateBuilder is a class used to modify client-writable items and currencies. It is used to stack multiple updates into one transaction, and applying all of the changes with a single call. It is useful for limiting the frequency or amount of API calls made to the server, especially in environments where changes are fast-paced, such as idle games.

private async Task UpdateWithBuilder()
    //Create a new instance of an InventoryUpdateBuilder
    var updateBuilder = new InventoryUpdateBuilder();
    //Add some properties to our new item
    var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>
        {"rarity", "common"},
        {"damage", "10"}
    var contentId = "items.DefaultSword";
    //Add a new update to the builder, using the variables we declared earlier
    updateBuilder.AddItem(contentId, properties);

    var currencyId = "currency.Gold";
    var amount = 100;
    //Currency updates can be added as well
    updateBuilder.CurrencyChange(currencyId, amount);
    //Apply the changes, also sending the data to the server
    await _beamContext.Inventory.Update(updateBuilder);