Mail - Code
Allow players to manage in-game mail messages [LIVE-Mail-02]
Unlike many Beamable Features, Mail does not require a specific Beamable Feature Prefab to be used. The main entry point to this feature is C# programming.
Learning Fundamentals
Game makers who are new to Unity and C# can review the fundamentals here.
• See Beamable: Asynchronous Programming for more info
Here are API highlights for MailService
The following chart describes the main functionality related to Mail messages.
Method Name | Detail |
GetCurrent | Fetches the count of unread MailMessage objects |
GetMail | Fetches a list of MailMessage objects |
SearchMail | Fetches a list of filtered MailMessage objects |
SendMail | Sends a list of MailMessage objectsNote: This requires Admin privileges |
Update | Updates an existing MailMessage objectNote: Uses the MailUpdate to define the operation |
Here are API highlights for MailMessage
The following chart describes the core structure of Mail messages.
Parameter Name | Detail |
id | The unique ID of the Mail message |
sent | The timestamp when sent Note: This value is formatted as 2019-03-28T00:00:00Z |
receiverGamerTag | Receiver PlayerId |
senderGamerTag | Sender PlayerId |
category | Arbitrary category string |
subject | The subject of the mail |
body | The main content (in text) of the mail |
state | "unread", "read", or "deleted" |
expires | The timestamp when expires Note: This value is formatted as 2019-03-28T00:00:00Z |
Here are examples which cover common programming needs.
Beamable SDK Examples
• The following example code is available for download at
In this MailServiceExample
snippet, sending mail from the client and receiving mail through subscription is shown.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Beamable.Common.Api;
using Beamable.Common.Api.Mail;
using Beamable.Examples.Shared;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace Beamable.Examples.Services.MailService
/// <summary>
/// Holds data for use in the <see cref="MailServiceExampleUI"/>.
/// </summary>
public class MailServiceExampleData
public long Dbid = 0;
public int UnreadMailCount = 0;
// UI messages that indicate mail exists or not
public List<string> UnreadMailLogs = new List<string>();
public List<string> UpdateMailLogs = new List<string>();
public List<string> SendMailMessageLogs = new List<string>();
public List<string> MailMessageLogs = new List<string>();
public bool IsBeamableSetup = false;
public class RefreshedUnityEvent : UnityEvent<MailServiceExampleData> { }
/// <summary>
/// Demonstrates <see cref="MailService"/>.
/// </summary>
public class MailServiceExample : MonoBehaviour
// Events ---------------------------------------
public RefreshedUnityEvent OnRefreshed = new RefreshedUnityEvent();
// Fields ---------------------------------------
private BeamContext _beamContext;
private const string MailCategory = "";
private MailServiceExampleData _data = new MailServiceExampleData();
// Unity Methods --------------------------------
protected void Start()
string startLog = $"Start() Instructions..\n" +
$"\n * Play Scene" +
$"\n * Check for mail using UI. Probably none" +
$"\n * Stop Scene" +
$"\n * Unity → Window → Beamable → Examples → MailService → Send Test Mail To
Active User" +
$"\n * Play Scene" +
$"\n * Check for mail using UI. Probably some\n\n";
// Methods --------------------------------------
private async void SetupBeamable()
_beamContext = BeamContext.Default;
await _beamContext.OnReady;
_data.Dbid = _beamContext.UserId;
Debug.Log($"beamContext.PlayerId = {_data.Dbid}");
// Fetch All Mail
_beamContext.Api.MailService.Subscribe(async mailQueryResponse =>
_data.UnreadMailCount = mailQueryResponse.unreadCount;
string unreadMailLog = $"unreadCount = {_data.UnreadMailCount}";
await GetMail();
_data.IsBeamableSetup = _beamContext != null;
private async Task<EmptyResponse> GetMail()
var listMailResponse = await _beamContext.Api.MailService.GetMail(MailCategory);
foreach (var mailMessage in listMailResponse.result)
string mailMessageLog = $"MailMessage" +
$"\n\tname = {mailMessage.senderGamerTag}" +
$"\n\tname = {mailMessage.receiverGamerTag}" +
$"\n\tname = {mailMessage.subject}" +
$"\n\tname = {mailMessage.body}" +
return new EmptyResponse();
public async void UpdateMail()
var mailUpdateRequest = new MailUpdateRequest();
// Arbitrary Example - Toggle "read" to "unread"
var listMailResponse = await _beamContext.Api.MailService.GetMail(MailCategory);
foreach (var mailMessage in listMailResponse.result)
MailState newMailState = MailState.Read;
if (mailMessage.MailState == MailState.Read)
newMailState = MailState.Unread;
mailUpdateRequest.Add(, newMailState, true, mailMessage.expires);
await _beamContext.Api.MailService.Update(mailUpdateRequest);
string updateMailLog = $"updateMailRequests = {mailUpdateRequest.updateMailRequests.Count}";
public void Refresh()
if (_data.IsBeamableSetup)
string refreshLog = $"Refresh() ...\n" +
$"\n * UnreadMailCount.Count = {_data.UnreadMailCount}" +
$"\n * UnreadMailLogs.Count = {_data.UnreadMailLogs.Count}" +
$"\n * MainLogs.Count = {_data.SendMailMessageLogs.Count}" +
$"\n * MatchmakingLogs.Count = {_data.MailMessageLogs.Count}\n\n";
// Send relevant data to the UI for rendering
/// <summary>
/// NOTE: This must be called from a user with
/// admin privileges or from a microservice
/// </summary>
public static async void SendMailMessage()
var beamContext = BeamContext.Default;
await beamContext.OnReady;
long playerId = beamContext.UserId;
// Arbitrary Example - Send mail from ME to ME
var mailSendRequest = new MailSendRequest();
var mailSendEntry = new MailSendEntry();
mailSendEntry.category = MailCategory;
mailSendEntry.senderGamerTag = playerId;
mailSendEntry.receiverGamerTag = playerId;
mailSendEntry.body = $"Test Mail Body From {playerId}.";
mailSendEntry.subject = $"Test Mail Subject From {playerId}.";
// Call may fail if sender lacks permissions
bool isSuccess = true;
Debug.Log($"beamContext.UserId = {playerId}");
var emptyResponse = await beamContext.Api.MailService.SendMail(mailSendRequest);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError(e.Message + "\n\n");
Debug.LogWarning($"Solution To Error: Add the beamContext.UserId of {playerId} with the role
of 'Admin' via Portal → Teams and retry this operation.\n\n");
isSuccess = false;
if (isSuccess)
Debug.Log ($"SendMailMessage() Success!");
This section contains any advanced configuration options and workflows.
Mobile Notifications
Mobile Notifications are a native part of mobile platforms including iOS and Android. These messages show up as a banner of text, regardless of whether or not your game is running.
See Notifications for more info.
Updated over 1 year ago