Apple Sign-In - Code
Integrate Apple Sign-In via the Beamable API [IDEN-Apple-03]
Before Apple Sign-In will work properly, the Unity project must be configured to support Apple as a third-party authentication provider.
The recommended solution for implementing Apple Sign-In is to build a wrapper on top of SignInWithApple, a Unity package that is installed with Beamable.
Preprocessor Directives
Since Apple Sign-In is only supported on Apple devices, it is recommended to wrap your core functionality in
and a matching#endif
to prevent compilation on non-iOS devices.
The first step is to initialize a new instance of SignInWithApple:
private SignInWithApple signInWithApple;
private void Start()
signInWithApple = new SignInWithApple();
The next function should be called from a UI button or interface, where the user intends to start the sign-in process. Similar to the other third party login code, we just need to retrieve the token for the user then add a third party credential to a new or existing user.
public void StartAppleLogin()
signInWithApple.Login(callbackArgs =>
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(callbackArgs.error))
//An error happened, notify user
var token = callbackArgs.userInfo.idToken;
//We have the token, see below functions
// We aren't on an Apple device, so don't do anything
Handle Various Flow Scenarios
Depending on the state of the currently logged in user, we may need to attach the credentials to the current user, switch to a different user, or create a new one entirely. The following code covers all 3 cases.
//Specify the third party auth provider
var thirdParty = AuthThirdParty.Apple;
//Get information about the user's third party credential
var available = await _beamContext.Api.AuthService.IsThirdPartyAvailable(thirdParty, token);
var userHasCredentials = _beamContext.Api.User.HasThirdPartyAssociation(thirdParty);
//Should we switch to a user that's not currently logged in?
var shouldSwitchUsers = !available;
//Should we create a brand new user with these credentials?
var shouldCreateUser = available && userHasCredentials;
//Should we attach the credentials to an existing user?
var shouldAttachToCurrentUser = available && !userHasCredentials;
Should Switch Users
Here we are authenticating the third party (Apple) with Beamable by logging them in using the LoginThirdParty API.
await _beamContext.Api.AuthService.LoginThirdParty(thirdParty, token, false);
Should Create User
Here we create a new user, apply the current token to that user, then register the third party login (Apple) using the RegisterThirdPartyCredentials API. We take the user returned and then update the user data.
var tokenResponse = await _beamContext.Api.AuthService.CreateUser();
var user = await _beamContext.Api.AuthService.RegisterThirdPartyCredentials(thirdParty, token);
Should Update Current User
Here we are attaching to the current user with the Apple token. This scenario is essentially "auto-login". The Apple user has already been linked with the current Beamable user and we can safely apply the token.
var user = await _beamContext.Api.AuthService.RegisterThirdPartyCredentials(thirdParty, token);
Updated 3 months ago