This page includes common terms used in the Beamable documentation and product.
Name | Detail |
Admin Account (For Game Maker) | This establishes the connection between the Game Maker and the Beamable SDK. This has full admin privileges |
Account (For Player) | This establishes the connection between the Player and the Beamable SDK. This has no admin privileges |
Announcement | A message sent by the game maker to all game players. See Announcements for more info |
CID | The customer identification. Beamable generates this for each customer |
Content | The primary data concept within the Beamable Content Manager |
Dbid | A number generated by the Beamable backend number system. Can be used to represent a PlayerId, AccountId, Pid, Cid, etc. |
Endpoint | A distinct HTTP path within the Beamable Server REST API |
Environment | A separate set of content, configuration, and data; useful for distinguishing Dev from Prod or allowing different developers to work on different data. Used interchangeably with a "Realm." |
Events | A one-time competition between all players within a game's community, rewarding based on score and score ranking |
Feature | An individual aspect of the Beamable product used to create a great user experience |
Feature Prefab | The drag-and-drop template for a specific Beamable product feature. See Unity Toolbox for more info |
First Frame | A first frame operation occurs very early in the game project's runtime -- possibly in the very first frame |
Game | Each Game maker account has one more games. Each game contains several Realms |
Guide | A how-to guide to create a great user experience |
Hard Currency | A currency type rewarded to the player through IAP transactions of real-world money. (Ex. Gems). See Virtual Currency for more info |
Item | An archetype of a Beamable store object. There may be a single instance or multiple instances of each. See Content Manager for more info |
Inventory | A collection of Beamable items owned by the active player. See Inventory for more info |
KPI | A Key Performance Indicator is a metric that helps determine a game's success |
Lazy | A lazy operation occurs on-demand at the last moment possible to satisfy the use case |
Listing | The building block of Beamable stores. A listing may correspond to a platform App Store SKU. Each listing is a collection of Beamable store items. See Store for more info |
Lookup Table | A data structure which represents a collection of keys - each mapped to one or more values |
Leaderboard | A list of high scores by all players of a game. See Leaderboard for more info |
Lobby | A lobby is a waiting area or virtual space where players can gather while waiting for all participants to join before starting a multiplayer game session. See Lobbies for more info |
A message sent from a player to a player | |
Observable | Within the Beamable player-centric SDK (PSDK), data sets are often represented as observable objects with events such as OnDataUpdated |
PID | The project identification. Beamable generates this for each project |
PlayerId | The player identification. A single user will have a PlayerId per realm they have logged into. The PlayerID is in DBID format. |
Portal | The web-based project administration of player content for game makers. See Portal for more info |
Realm | Unique body of data in the Beamable back-end. Each realm represents a game environment. Used interchangeably with an "environment." |
Reference - C# API | The client-side programming resources. See Reference - C# API for more info |
Reference - REST API | The server-side programming resources. See Reference - REST API for more info |
Serialization | The automatic process of transforming data structures for read/write storage |
Service | An individual aspect of the Beamable back-end used to power a feature |
Service Plan (Game Maker) | The Game Maker Account's licensing information and plan |
Soft Currency | A currency type rewarded to the player through gameplay progression. (Ex. Experience Points or XP). See Currency for more info |
SKU | A Stock Keeping Unit is a unique indicator of a Beamable store listing in a platform App Store |
Stat | Active data entity used for read/write of player state. See Stats for more info |
Store | A collection of Beamable store listings. See Store for more info |
Toolbox | The Beamable Unity Toolbox Window which serves as the main entry point for using Beamable |
Tool Window | A group of related Beamable editing functionality for game makers |
Tournament | A recurring competition between all players within a game's community, based on score ranking, stage, and tier. See Tournaments for more info |
WIP | A "Work In Progress" feature or workflow which is in active development, but not fully released |
Updated over 1 year ago