Microservice Configuration
Configuring a Standalone Microservice
Before you can configure Beamable Standalone Microservices, you need to complete the Getting-Started Guide. That means having Dotnet 8 installed, and getting the Beam CLI.
You can confirm you have everything installed checking the versions of the tools.
dotnet --version
beam version # beam --version also works.
In order to configure a Microservice, you also need to have a local .beamable
workspace with a Beamable Standalone Microservice. As a reminder, you can create one quickly using the commands below.
beam init MyProject
cd MyProject
dotnet beam project new service HelloWorld
Project Configuration
Each Standalone Microservice is a dotnet project, and can be configured through the dotnet .csproj
. In most IDEs, the .csproj
file will be hidden automatically, but you can open it by right-clicking on the project in the IDE and opening the .csproj
file. As of Beam CLI 3.0.0, the starting .csproj
has the following structure.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PropertyGroup Label="Beamable Settings">
<!-- All Microservices must have the value, "service" -->
<!-- When "true", this will auto-generate client code to any linked unity projects -->
<!-- These are special Beamable parameters that we use to keep the beamable packages in-sync to the CLI version your project is using. -->
<!-- This makes it so your microservices are auto-updated whenever you update the CLI installed in your project. --> <PropertyGroup Label="Beamable Version" Condition="$(DOTNET_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINER)!=true">
<DotNetConfigPath Condition="'$(DotNetConfigPath)' == ''">$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove("$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)/..", ".config/dotnet-tools.json"))</DotNetConfigPath>
<DotNetConfig Condition="'$(DotNetConfig)' == ''">$([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$(DotNetConfigPath)/.config/dotnet-tools.json"))</DotNetConfig>
<!-- Extracts the version number from the first tool defined in 'dotnet-tools.json' that starts with "beamable". -->
<BeamableVersion Condition="'$(BeamableVersion)' == ''">$([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Match("$(DotNetConfig)", "beamable.*?\"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*?)\",", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace).Groups[1].Value)</BeamableVersion>
<!-- When running from inside docker, this gets injected via the Dockerfile at build-time. -->
<PropertyGroup Label="Dotnet Settings">
<!-- net8.0 is the LTS version until 2026. To update your net version, update the <TargetFramework> when Beamable announces support. -->
<ItemGroup Label="Nuget References">
<PackageReference Include="Beamable.Microservice.Runtime" Version="$(BeamableVersion)" />
<PackageReference Include="Beamable.Microservice.SourceGen" Version="$(BeamableVersion)" OutputItemType="Analyzer" />
Code Dependencies
Dotnet projects use a tool called Nuget to manage dependencies on other code libraries. Each <PackageReference>
node within an <ItemGroup>
element declares a Nuget dependency. By default, every Standalone Microservice requires the Beamable Microservice Nuget Package. However, you can add whatever packages you require as well.
Beamable Properties
Dotnet uses a tool called msbuild
to compile your code into executable files. When the build happens, msbuild
accesses various XML based properties within the <PropertyGroup>
elements of the .csproj
The <BeamProjectType>
is an enum string that declares the containing .csproj
to be either a Microservice, or a Storage object. If a .csproj
does not declare the <BeamProjectType>
property, then it will not be detected by the beam CLI as a valid Microservice or Storage object.
Property Name | Default Value |
<BeamProjectType> | there is no default value |
Valid values include,
Value | Description |
service | Declares the project to be a Standalone Microservice |
storage | Declares the project to be a Storage Object |
The <BeamId>
controls the name of the Beamable project.
Property Name | Default Value |
<BeamId> | the name of the .csproj |
The <BeamEnabled>
is a boolean property. When false
, when services are deployed , the service will not be enabled, and will not cost Beamable Cloud resources.
This option can be set using the project enable or the project disable commands.
Property Name | Default Value |
<BeamEnabled> | true |
The <GenerateClientCode>
property is boolean property, only valid on Standalone Microservice projects. When the project is built, if there are any linked Unity or Unreal projects, client code may be generated for the engine client and placed in the linked project folders. In order to link a project, use the add-unity-project command, or the add-unreal-project command.
Property Name | Default Value |
<GenerateClientCode> | true |
The <BeamableTool>
property is the path to the Beam CLI program that the Standalone Microservice will use to do various tasking. For most cases, this is configured to be the globally installed beam
tool. However, if any dotnet build tasks run with a BEAM_PATH
environment variable, then the BEAM_PATH
environment variable will set the <BeamableTool>
Generally, it is not advised to overwrite this setting. However, it you install the beam CLI as a local dotnet tool in the project, it would be valid to overwrite the <BeamableTool>
property as dotnet beam
This property is accessible to the dotnet build targets, including any custom targets you create.
Property Name | Default Value |
<BeamableTool> | the value of env var, BEAM_PATH , or beam |
The <BeamServiceGroup>
property is a comma or semi-colon separated list of tags that logically group services together.
If you need to specify multiple values, use a ,
or a ;
to separate values. You can also redefine the property in terms of itself.
Property Name | Default Value |
<BeamServiceGroup> | empty |
Dotnet Properties
Common Dotnet properties may be explored through Dotnet's Documentation . However, there are a few properties that are set automatically through the usage of the Beamable Microservice Nuget Package. To view these default settings, you should view the package source code's .props
file, located here,
Make sure to reference the right version!
The link above points to the cli-2.0.0 release tag version of the source code. Make sure that you are looking the same version as your
nuget version is using in the.csproj
Other than the default properties set in the .props
file, a major requirement of Beamable Standalone Microservices the TargetFramework
property. If you are using CLI 3.0.0 and above, you may target net8.0
If you are using CLI 2.0.1 or below, you must target net6.0
Updated 24 days ago