Parties - Code



These examples cover common use cases for Parties. The _beamContext variable used below is an instance of the BeamContext class may be obtained by BeamContext.Default:

Create Party

The Create method will fill the state of a current party which can be accessed through _beamContext.Party.State.
The Create method has a number of optional parameters:

  • maxSize determines maximum allowed number of players in the party. 0 means default value which is currently defined by the backend and is equal to 25.
  • callbacks for party related events which can be provided later through subscriptions.
  • PartyRestriction has 2 possible values:
    • Unrestricted means the party can be joined by any player who knows the partyId
    • InviteOnly allows only invited players to join the party
await _beamContext.Party.Create(PartyRestriction.Unrestricted);

Listen for Party Updates

The following events are available

		public Action<PartyInviteNotification> OnPlayerInvited;
		public Action<PlayerJoinedNotification> OnPlayerJoined;
		public Action<PlayerLeftNotification> OnPlayerLeft;
		public Action<PartyUpdatedNotification> OnPartyUpdated;
		public Action<PlayerPromotedNotification> OnPlayerPromoted;
		public Action<PlayerKickedNotification> OnPlayerKicked;

Join Party

await _beamContext.Party.Join(partyId);

Leave Party

await _beamContext.Party.Leave();

Get Party Invites

There is an observable list of available party invites.

party.ReceivedPartyInvites.OnElementsAdded += invites =>
	// accept the first invite

Additionally, this method returns a InvitesResponse object which contains pending party invitations as List<PartyInvite>. Each PartyInvite contains a invitedBy player ID and a partyId which can be passed to Party.Join method to join the party.

var invites = await _beamContext.Party.GetInvites();

Party Leader Methods

Methods below can be called only by a party leader.

Update Party

This method allows to change settings of an already created party. Again maxSize parameter is optional. The State property is altered by this method.

await _beamContext.Party.Update(PartyRestriction.Unrestricted, 5);

Invite Player

// acquire a playerId from the player social sdk
await _beamContext.Party.Invite(playerId);

Party Member Actions

There is an observable structure, PartyMembers that contains the list of party members. If the current player is the leader, they can promote or kick players from this list.

party.PartyMembers.OnElementsAdded += members =>
	foreach (var member in members)
		Debug.Log($"{member.playerId} joined the party");

party.PartyMembers.OnElementRemoved += members =>
	foreach (var member in members)
		Debug.Log($"{member.playerId} left the party");

The PartyMember structure has Promote and Kick methods, but player actions can also be taken with the Party accessor directly.

// promote the player to party leader
await _beamContext.Party.Promote(playerId);

// remove the player from the party
await _beamContext.Party.Kick(playerId);


  • Is there a party storage? Similar to clientData in GroupService that we can utilize?

    There is no such storage. All the data related to parties is stored in _beamContext.Party.State. The only properties you can change are restriction which is either PartyRestriction.Unrestricted or PartyRestriction.InviteOnly and maxSize. To alter them you need to call Update method as a party leader.
  • Is there any method / way to disband the party?

    The party is disbanded automatically when all of the members leave. When a leader leaves the party a new one is chosen automatically.
  • What is the difference between Party.State vs Party.Value ?

    Both properties point to the same object. However Party.Value is obsolete.
  • Is Party.State / Party.Value automatically updated if there is a change in party data? (new member join, owner change, etc). I found that we can also get Party data directly from Party, ex: Party.Id, Party.Members, Party.Leader.
    Members data is List<string>. Are those string values userIds? Why string not long? What is the difference between userId (long) vs playerId (string)?

    Yes, party data gets updated automatically based on notifications. Properties like Party.Id are just a shorthand for Party.State.Id.
    Use the PartyMember observable list to get access to the list of party members instead of the obsolete Member list. PartyMember instances have long userId types instead of string.