Google Play Game Services Sign-In - Overview

Integrate Google Play Game Services with your app [IDEN-Google-01]


A Beamable Prefab is available for this feature

Beamable provides a prefab for this feature which can be found in the Identity Prefab section.

The purpose of this guide is for game makers to use Google Play Games Services with the Beamable Accounts Feature.


Beamable integrates with this technology.

Google Play Games Services makes it easy for users to sign in to your apps using their ID.  Instead of filling out forms, verifying email addresses, and choosing new passwords, they can use simple sign in method to set up an account and start using your app right away. It makes it easy to use Beamable across different devices using one credential.
A user always has the option to revoke access to an application at any time.

This document describes how to complete a basic Google Play Games Services integration.

User Experience

When set up properly, the user experience in the game project will be as follows: