Username / Password - Overview
Simple authentication with username and password [IDEN-Username-01]
Username and Password is a great way to provide cross platform authentication if you do not want social integration. In addition, you can use this method for allowing a player to signup for your game or service.
Beamable will create a user account for you when you initialize, but you can use this feature to also provide additional credentials for sign-in.
UI & Edge Cases
Using a custom username and password feature in your game does require some additional work and considerations. You will have to create multiple screens for sign-up, auto sign-in, password recovery, and error handling.
Below is a simple username and password flow where, after initializing, we prompt the user for how they want to proceed. They have the option to create a new account or to log in. This example doesn't include flows for password recovery or account switching. However, those can be also implemented.
Updated 5 months ago