Chat - Code
Allow players to communicate in-game [SOCL-Chat-02]
Unlike many Beamable Features, Chat does not require a specific Beamable Feature Prefab to be used. The main entry point to this feature is C# programming.
Learning Fundamentals
Game makers who are new to Unity and C# can review the fundamentals here.
• See Beamable: Asynchronous Programming for more info
Here are API highlights for ChatService
Method Name | Detail |
Subscribe | Callback to observe changes |
CreateRoom | Create a new room |
GetMyRooms | Get list of all current rooms |
LeaveRoom | Leave the current room |
SendMessage | Send a text message to all room players |
Here are examples which cover common programming needs.
Beamable SDK Examples
• The following example code is available for download at
In this example, the player may create a room and send a chat message.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Beamable.Common.Api;
using UnityEngine;
using Beamable.Experimental.Api.Chat;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace Beamable.Examples.Labs.ChatService
/// <summary>
/// Holds data for use in the <see cref="ChatServiceExampleUI"/>.
/// </summary>
public class ChatServiceExampleData
public List<string> RoomNames = new List<string>();
public List<string> RoomPlayers = new List<string>();
public List<string> RoomMessages = new List<string>();
public string RoomToCreateName = "";
public string RoomToLeaveName = "";
public bool IsInRoom = false;
public string MessageToSend = "";
public class RefreshedUnityEvent : UnityEvent<ChatServiceExampleData> { }
/// <summary>
/// Demonstrates <see cref="ChatService"/>.
/// </summary>
public class ChatServiceExample : MonoBehaviour
// Events ---------------------------------------
public RefreshedUnityEvent OnRefreshed = new RefreshedUnityEvent();
// Fields ---------------------------------------
private ChatView _chatView = null;
private BeamContext _beamContext;
private ChatServiceExampleData _data = new ChatServiceExampleData();
// Unity Methods --------------------------------
protected void Start()
// Methods --------------------------------------
private async void SetupBeamable()
_beamContext = BeamContext.Default;
await _beamContext.OnReady;
Debug.Log($"beamContext.UserId = {_beamContext.UserId}");
// Observe ChatService Changes
_beamContext.Api.Experimental.ChatService.Subscribe(chatView =>
_chatView = chatView;
// Clear data when ChatService changes
foreach(RoomHandle room in chatView.roomHandles)
room.OnRemoved += Room_OnRemoved;
string roomName = $"{room.Name}";
room.Subscribe().Then(_ =>
// Clear data (again) when Room changes
_data.RoomToLeaveName = room.Name;
foreach(var message in room.Messages)
string roomMessage = $"{message.gamerTag}: {message.content}";
foreach(var player in room.Players)
string playerName = $"{player}";
room.OnMessageReceived += Room_OnMessageReceived;
public async Task<bool> IsProfanity(string text)
bool isProfanityText = true;
var result = await _beamContext.Api.Experimental.ChatService.ProfanityAssert(text);
isProfanityText = false;
} catch{}
return isProfanityText;
public async Task<EmptyResponse> SendRoomMessage()
string messageToSend = _data.MessageToSend;
bool isProfanity = await IsProfanity(messageToSend);
if (isProfanity)
// Disallow (or prompt Player to resubmit)
messageToSend = "Message Not Allowed";
foreach(RoomHandle room in _chatView.roomHandles)
if (room.Players.Count > 0)
await room.SendMessage(messageToSend);
return new EmptyResponse();
public async Task<EmptyResponse> CreateRoom ()
string roomName = _data.RoomToCreateName;
bool keepSubscribed = false;
List<long> players = new List<long>{_beamContext.PlayerId};
var result = await _beamContext.Api.Experimental.ChatService.CreateRoom(
roomName, keepSubscribed, players);
return new EmptyResponse();
public async Task<EmptyResponse> LeaveRoom()
var roomInfos = await _beamContext.Api.Experimental.ChatService.GetMyRooms();
foreach(var roomInfo in roomInfos)
var result = await _beamContext.Api.Experimental.ChatService.LeaveRoom(;
return new EmptyResponse();
public void Refresh()
_data.IsInRoom = _data.RoomPlayers.Count > 0;
// Create new mock message
int messageIndex = _data.RoomMessages.Count;
_data.MessageToSend = $"Hello {messageIndex:000}!";
// Create new mock group name
int groupIndex = _data.RoomNames.Count;
_data.RoomToCreateName = $"Room{groupIndex:000}";
// Create temp name for pretty UI
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_data.RoomToLeaveName))
_data.RoomToLeaveName = _data.RoomToCreateName;
// Log
string refreshLog = $"Refresh() ...\n" +
$"\n * RoomNames.Count = {_data.RoomNames.Count}" +
$"\n * RoomPlayers.Count = {_data.RoomPlayers.Count}" +
$"\n * RoomMessages.Count = {_data.RoomMessages.Count}" +
$"\n * IsInRoom = {_data.IsInRoom}\n\n";
// Send relevant data to the UI for rendering
// Event Handlers -------------------------------
private void Room_OnMessageReceived(Message message)
string roomMessage = $"{message.gamerTag}: {message.content}";
Debug.Log($"Room_OnMessageReceived() roomMessage = {roomMessage}");
private void Room_OnRemoved()
Experimental API
Please note that this feature currently includes an experimental API. Game makers will have to replace any experimental namespace when the finalized version is released.
This section contains any advanced configuration options and workflows.
Group Chat
Players can create groups, interact, and chat with group members in real-time. See Groups for more info.
Filtering Chat Messages
Beamable supports filtering chat messages to help keep the game chat safe.
public async void IsProfanity()
string text = "pornography"; // Ex. This string is profane
bool isProfanityText = true;
var result = await _beamContext.Api.Experimental.ChatService.ProfanityAssert(text);
isProfanityText = false;
} catch{}
Debug.Log($"isProfanityText = {isProfanityText} for {text}");
It's worth noting that chat rooms have no specified limit to their capacity. While the network may be perfectly capable of processing messages from hundreds of users, the game clients will start flooding with messages before it becomes a performance problem.
Updated 9 months ago