Cloud Save - Overview

Save player data in the cloud [PROF-CloudSave-01]

This guide includes everything needed to use the Cloud Save Feature in the "Beamable SDK for Unity".

The Cloud Data is fetched online and stored locally; scoped by game and player. As changes are detected, the system automatically keeps data in sync.



Here are hints to help explain some of the trickier concepts:

To clarify, the following are distinct Beamable Features;

Cloud Save : Allow player to store progress
A/B Testing (AKA "Cloud Data"): Allow game makers to deploy new functionality to subset of players



Here are highlights from the Beamable FAQ: See FAQ for more info.

Cloud Save


This section contains any advanced configuration options and workflows.

Data Limitations

There is a limit of 5MB per cloud save file.

Data Management Via Portal

The Portal allows the game maker to manage player data as well. Search for a player, select the CloudData tab, and navigate to the player data.

Some common use-cases for game makers include;

  • Debugging - Play as a customer's player data to test and investigate reported issues
  • Support - Make minor edits to a player data and hot-upload it for the customer

Here are the major operations that can be performed against the player data.

1. SearchA content-based search of the player data; search for contained terms.
2. DownloadAllows a game maker with admin privileges to download a copy of a single object of player data.
3. UploadReplace an object of player data with a file that has the same name.



Here are hints to help explain some of the trickier concepts:

• While Beamable supports minor edits to the player data from the portal, restoring the a customer's player data completely to a historic backup state is not supported.
• The CloudSavingService does not support multiple _game sessions using the same user. If there are multiple sessions for the same user, for the same game, this will create an infinite ping/pong effect. _E.g. Device A will send updates that Device B will fetch, which will send updates that Device A will fetch, etc...
• Manually deleting content from the LocalCloudDataFullPath is not supported
• You cannot have multiple files with the same content. If you want similar files, please add a tag to differentiate them.