Google Sign-In - Code
Integrate Google Sign-In via the Beamable API [IDEN-Google-03]
Before Google Sign-In will work properly, the Unity project must be configured to support Google as a third-party authentication provider.
- Prerequisites
- Configure Unity Project
- Configure iOS Settings (if applicable)
The Beamable SDK contains a wrapper for native Google Sign-In behavior on Android and iOS. The provided class is called GoogleSignIn, which can be initialized with the correct Web Client ID, iOS Client ID, as well as a "target" (a context for the sign in callback to attach to), and a callback method name.
private GoogleSignIn _google;
private string webClientId;
private string iosClientId; //can be left blank if iOS is unsupported
/// <summary>
/// Starts Google Login process, then calls GoogleAuthResponse with a message.
/// </summary>
public void StartGoogleLogin()
_google = new GoogleSignIn(gameObject, "GoogleAuthResponse", webClientId, iosClientId);
After the Login process is started, the callback function (GoogleAuthResponse) will be invoked with a message:
/// <summary>
/// Callback to be invoked via UnitySendMessage when the plugin either
/// receives a valid ID token or indicates an error.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">Response message from the Google Sign-In plugin</param>
private void GoogleAuthResponse(string message)
GoogleSignIn.HandleResponse(message, token =>
if (token == null)
//Login failed or was cancelled
//Login successful, see additional functions below
errback => { Debug.LogError(errback); });
Handle Various Flow Scenarios
Now that we have the Google credential (token), we need to account for 3 different scenarios:
- New Player
- Returning Player already linked to Google
- Returning Player linking their account with Google
We can account for this by determining if we need to:
Switch Player - Player wants to switch credentials to a new Player
Create New Player - Player wants to Create a new Player account
Attach To Current Player - Player wants to Attach this 3rd Party Login to an already authenticated Player.
Beamable SDK Initialization
The following assumes that you have initialized the Beamable SDK and it is stored in _beamContext variable.
_beamContext = BeamContext.Default; await _beamContext.OnReady;
The following code will establish conditions for various flow scenarios.
//Specify the third party auth provider
var thirdParty = AuthThirdParty.Google;
//Get information about the user's third party credential
var available = await _beamContext.Api.AuthService.IsThirdPartyAvailable(thirdParty, token);
var userHasCredentials = _beamContext.Api.User.HasThirdPartyAssociation(thirdParty);
//Should we switch to a user that's not currently logged in?
var shouldSwitchUsers = !available;
//Should we create a brand new user with these credentials?
var shouldCreateUser = available && userHasCredentials;
//Should we attach the credentials to an existing user?
var shouldAttachToCurrentUser = available && !userHasCredentials;
Switch Users
In this example, the AuthService is used to authenticate a user with a third-party auth provider.
await _beamContext.Api.AuthService.LoginThirdParty(thirdParty, token, false);
Create New User
If we want to create a new user then apply the third party credentials, we can use the following calls from AuthService.
var tokenResponse = await _beamContext.AuthService.CreateUser();
var user = await _beamContext.Api.AuthService.RegisterThirdPartyCredentials(thirdParty, token);
Link To Existing User
If the user already exists and is now trying to link their Google credentials to it, the flow is very similar to new user creation.
var user = await _beamContext.Api.AuthService.RegisterThirdPartyCredentials(thirdParty, token);
A complete example demonstrating the functionality for Google Sign-In can be found in GoogleSignInBehavior.cs, which is utilized by the Account Management Flow prefab packaged with Beamable.
Updated 4 months ago