Project Regenerate

Regenerate the solution csproj, Dockerfile and Program.cs files

beam project regenerate <name> [<output>] [<copy-path>] [options]


Regenerate the solution csproj, Dockerfile and Program.cs files


nameServiceNameName of the new project
outputStringWhere the temp project will be created
copy-pathStringThe path to where the files will be copied to


--versionPackageVersionSpecifies version of Beamable project dependencies. Defaults to the current version of the CLI
--slnStringRelative path to the .sln file to use for the new project. If the .sln file does not exist, it will be created. When no option is configured, if this command is executing inside a .beamable folder, then the first .sln found in .beamable/.. will be used. If no .sln is found, the .sln path will be .sln. If no .beamable folder exists, then the /.sln will be used
--dryrunBooleanShould any networking happen?
--cidStringCid to use; will default to whatever is in the file system
--pidStringPid to use; will default to whatever is in the file system
--quietBooleanWhen true, skip input waiting and use defaults
--hostStringThe host endpoint for beamable
--refresh-tokenStringRefresh token to use for the requests
--logStringExtra logs gets printed out
--dirStringDirectory to use for configuration
--rawBooleanOutput raw JSON to standard out. This happens by default when the command is being piped
--prettyBooleanOutput syntax highlighted box text. This happens by default when the command is not piped
--dotnet-pathStringa custom location for dotnet
--versionBooleanShow version information
--helpBooleanShow help and usage information

Parent Command
