Custom Services

Adding or replacing services

One benefit of a dependency injection system is the ability to override existing service implementations, or provide new services for custom use cases.

Adding Services

The Beamable SDK has a global IDependencyBuilder available via Beam.DependencyBuilder. Despite the IDependencyBuilder being accessible globally, the correct way to modify service registrations is to create a static method that meets the following requirements...

  1. Is in a class marked with the BeamContextSystem attribute,
  2. Is a method marked with the RegisterBeamableDependencies attribute,
  3. takes 1 input parameter of type, IDependencyBuilder

The example below will receive the IDependencyBuilderand add a singleton ExampleService.

public class CustomRegistrations
	public static void Register(IDependencyBuilder builder)

The RegisterBeamableDependencies takes two arguments, order, and origin that control which dependency scope is being configured, and in what order.

The origin option is an enum that is RegistrationOrigin.RUNTIME by default. The other option is RegistrationOrigin.EDITOR. Beamable uses the same dependency injection concepts in the Unity Editor environment as well. If you want to override an editor service, set the origin to EDITOR.

The order option controls the invocation ordering of RegisterBeamableDependencies methods. Ideally, all custom services should be registered in a single RegisterBeamableDependencies method. However, sometimes due to logical separation or package separation, it isn't possible to centralize dependency registrations. In this case, there are multiple functions tagged with the RegisterBeamableDependencies attribute, and the order they are invoked in can drastically change the outcome. All Beamable services are registered at an effective order value of -1000. The default order value for all custom RegisterBeamableDependencies methods is 0.

Modifying Services

In a RegisterBeamableDependencies method, the IDependencyBuilder instance can be used to remove existing registrations. Beamable automatically registers all of the services it needs to operate the base SDK. However, as an advanced developer, it is possible to remove Beamable service classes and replace them with custom implementations. To find the Beamable service registration listings, see the com.beamable/Runtime/Beam.csstatic constructor. Additionally, look for references of RegisterBeamableDependencies to find any special places where services are added.

In the example below, the IDeviceIdResolver interface reconfigured to use a custom implementation. The IDeviceIdResolver is the interface responsible for identifying a device identifier used for Beamable Auth Device Id.

public class CustomRegistrations
	public static void Register(IDependencyBuilder builder)
		builder.ReplaceSingleton<IDeviceIdResolver, ExampleService>();

public class ExampleService : IDeviceIdResolver
	public Promise<string> GetDeviceId()
		throw new NotImplementedException();