Stores - Custom Purchaser

Allow players to purchase items from in-game stores [ECON-Stores-04]


This guide includes everything needed to use the Custom Purchaser in the "Beamable SDK for Unity".

User Experience

When set up properly, the user experience in the game project will be as follows:


The following steps assumes no dependency on Unity's UnityIAP solution. There is significant custom code required for this solution.

A benefit here is flexible development.

Follow these steps to get started:

1. Create Purchaser C# ClassThe custom class must implement the IBeamablePurchaser interface.
2. Register the purchaser with Beamable`To register the custom implementation, use Beamable's Dependency Injection to add the custom implementation.


Here are API highlights for IBeamablePurchaser.

The custom purchaser class must implement this interface.

Method NameDetail
Initialize• Setup the chosen IAP implementation
GetLocalizedPrice• Fetches the localized string from the provider
StartPurchase• Start a purchase through the chosen IAP implementation.

Here are API highlights for beamableAPI.PaymentService.

The custom purchaser class must reference these methods and call each if/when appropriate.

Method NameDetail
GetSKUs• Get commerce SKUs from platform
BeginPurchase• Begin purchase request
CompletePurchase• Call after the provider has charged the player. Used to verify the legitimacy of the purchase receipt and complete the item fulfillment process
CancelPurchase• Cancel purchase request
FailPurchase• Fail purchase request


The UnityBeamablePurchaser represents a fully-functional Beamable solution for connecting with Unity's native IAP system. Checkout the source-code. Its included in the "Beamable SDK for Unity".

The custom purchaser class must not reference this class. It's only for reference.


A custom purchaser must implement the IBeamablePurchaser interface. The following snippet is not a fully implemented class.

public class CustomPurchaser : IBeamablePurchaser
	public Promise<Unit> Initialize(IDependencyProvider provider = null)
		throw new NotImplementedException();
	public string GetLocalizedPrice(string skuSymbol)
		throw new NotImplementedException();
	public Promise<CompletedTransaction> StartPurchase(string listingSymbol, string skuSymbol)
		throw new NotImplementedException();

To use the custom purchaser, you must register it with Beamable's Dependency Injection. That can be done using the following class.

public class Registrations
	public static void Register(IDependencyBuilder builder)
		builder.AddSingleton<IBeamablePurchaser, CustomPurchaser>();