Getting Started

Get up and running with the Beamable CLI.

The Beamable CLI is a dotnet tool that allows developers to interact with Beamable. It can manage a variety of Beamable technologies, including Microservices, Content, and other services.


You'll need to install Dotnet 8 before you can get started.
Verify it is installed by running dotnet --version from a terminal.


To install the Beamable CLI, run the following command in a shell.

dotnet tool install --global Beamable.Tools

And verify your installation with beam version.


As of 1.16.2, a globally installed CLI can manage its own updates through the use of the beam version install command.

The following command will install the latest CLI. The "latest" string can be any valid CLI version

beam version install latest


Check Versions on Nuget

Remember, Beamable.Tools is a dotnet tool available through Nuget. As such, you can find all available versions at

Getting Started

Now that Beamable is installed, you can connect to an existing Beamable organization. If you haven't setup an organization yet, create a Beamable organization first.

You can connect the CLI to your Beamable organization with the beam init command.

mkdir MyProject
beam init

This command will prompt you for your organization's alias, your credentials, and which realm to use. When it is complete, you should see a ./beamable folder in the current directory. See the Configuration for details about this folder. Now, you can run a beam config command to verify your project is set up.

beam config

You should expect to see your CID/PID printed out.

To check that everything is working correctly, you can use the beam me command. Now you have a configured CLI project!


Finding Help

You can pass the --help flag to any command to print out detailed information about the arguments and options for the given command. Also, the --help-all flag will include additional information used by internal Beamable developers. You are welcome to use the internal facing commands, but they are not officially supported.

Next Steps

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