Stores - Custom Stores

Allow players to purchase items from in-game stores [ECON-Stores-05]


The purpose of this guide is for game makers to setup a complete custom store experience using Beamable.

This guide includes everything needed to use the CommerceService in the "Beamable SDK for Unity".

Game Maker User Experience

There are 3 major parts to Store setup process. During development, the game maker's user experience is as follows:


Follow these steps to get started:


Related Guides

A common use case for the feature is covered in the guides.

Step 1. Setup Unity IAP• See Setup Unity IAP
Step 2. Setup Platform• See Setup Platform
Step 3. Setup Beamable Content• See Setup Beamable Content

Step 4b. Setup Custom UI

1. Create the custom store with C#• See the Example below

A highlight of the functionality is the Purchase method.


await _beamContext.Api.CommerceService.Purchase(storeSymbol, listingSymbol);


Here are examples which cover common programming needs.


Beamable SDK Examples

The following example code is available for download at

The CommerceServiceExample.cs demonstrates the custom store experience.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Beamable.Examples.Shared;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using Beamable.Api.Payments;
using Beamable.Common.Api.Inventory;
using Beamable.Common.Inventory;
using Beamable.Common.Shop;

namespace Beamable.Examples.Services.CommerceService
    public class RefreshedUnityEvent : UnityEvent<CommerceServiceExampleData> { }
    /// <summary>
    /// Demonstrates <see cref="CommerceService"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public class CommerceServiceExample : MonoBehaviour
        //  Events  ---------------------------------------
        public RefreshedUnityEvent OnRefreshed = new RefreshedUnityEvent();
        //  Fields  ---------------------------------------
        private const string ItemContentType = "items";
        private const string CurrencyContentType = "currency";
        private const string CurrencyType = "currency.Coin";
        private const string EmptyDisplayName = "[Empty]";
        private const string CurrencyDisplayName = "Coin";
        private StoreRef _storeRef = null;
        private StoreContent _storeContent = null;
        private BeamContext _beamContext;
        private CommerceServiceExampleData _data = new CommerceServiceExampleData();
        //  Unity Methods  --------------------------------
        protected void Start()
            Debug.Log($"Start() Instructions...\n\n" +
                      " * Ensure Computer's Internet Is Active\n" +
                      " * Run The Scene\n" +
                      " * See Onscreen UI Show HasInternet = true\n" +
                      " * Ensure Computer's Internet Is NOT Active\n" +
                      " * See Onscreen UI Show HasInternet = false\n");

        //  Methods  --------------------------------------
        private async void SetupBeamable()
            _beamContext = BeamContext.Default;
            await _beamContext.OnReady;

            Debug.Log($"beamContext.PlayerId = {_beamContext.PlayerId}");

            _storeContent = await _storeRef.Resolve();

            // Observe Changes
            _beamContext.Api.InventoryService.Subscribe(ItemContentType, Inventory_OnChanged);
            _beamContext.Api.InventoryService.Subscribe(CurrencyContentType, Currency_OnChanged);
            _beamContext.Api.CommerceService.Subscribe(_storeContent.Id, CommerceService_OnChanged);
            // Update UI Immediately
        public async void Buy()
            if (_data.SelectedItemData == null)
                Debug.LogError($"BuySelectedStoreItem() failed because _selectedItemData = 

            if (!_data.CanAffordSelectedStoreItemData)
                Debug.LogError($"BuySelectedStoreItem() failed because CanAffordSelectedStoreItemData = 

            // Buy!
            string storeSymbol = _storeContent.Id;
            string listingSymbol = _data.SelectedItemData.PlayerListingView.symbol;
            await _beamContext.Api.CommerceService.Purchase(storeSymbol, listingSymbol);

        public void Refresh()
            string refreshLog = $"Refresh() ..." +
                                $"\n * StoreItemDatas.Count = {_data.StoreItemDatas.Count}\n\n" +
                                $"\n * InventoryItemDatas.Count = {_data.InventoryItemDatas.Count}\n\n" +
                                $"\n * CurrencyAmount.Count = {_data.CurrencyAmount}\n\n";
            _data.InstructionLogs.Add("Click `Buy` to add 1 item to Inventory");
            _data.InstructionLogs.Add("or Click `Reset` to delete and create a new player");
            // Send relevant data to the UI for rendering
        //  Event Handlers  -------------------------------
        private async void Inventory_OnChanged(InventoryView inventoryView)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<ItemView>> kvp in inventoryView.items)
                string itemName = ExampleProjectHelper.GetDisplayNameFromContentId(kvp.Key);
                ItemContent itemContent = await 
                    ExampleProjectHelper.GetItemContentById(_beamContext, kvp.Key);

                string title = $"{itemName} x {kvp.Value.Count}";
                ItemData itemData = new ItemData(title, itemContent, null);

            if (_data.InventoryItemDatas.Count == 0)
                // Show "Empty"
                _data.InventoryItemDatas.Add(new ItemData(EmptyDisplayName, null, null));


        private async void Currency_OnChanged(InventoryView inventoryViewForCurrencies)
            _data.CurrencyAmount = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, long> kvp in inventoryViewForCurrencies.currencies)
                if (kvp.Key == CurrencyType)
                    _data.CurrencyAmount = (int)kvp.Value;

                string itemName = ExampleProjectHelper.GetDisplayNameFromContentId(kvp.Key);
                CurrencyContent currencyContent = 
                    await ExampleProjectHelper.GetCurrencyContentById(_beamContext, kvp.Key);
                _data.CurrencyContent = currencyContent;
                _data.CurrencyLogs.Add($"{itemName} x {kvp.Value}");
            Debug.Log("_data.CurrencyAmount: " + _data.CurrencyAmount);
            if (_data.CurrencyLogs.Count == 0)

        private async void CommerceService_OnChanged(PlayerStoreView playerStoreView)

            foreach (PlayerListingView playerListingView in playerStoreView.listings)
                int price = playerListingView.offer.price.amount;   
                string contentId = playerListingView.offer.obtainItems[0].contentId;
                string itemName = ExampleProjectHelper.GetDisplayNameFromContentId(contentId);
                ItemContent itemContent = await ExampleProjectHelper.GetItemContentById(_beamContext, 

                string title = $"{itemName} ({price} {CurrencyDisplayName})";
                ItemData itemData = new ItemData(title, itemContent, playerListingView);
            if (_data.StoreItemDatas.Count == 0)
                // Show "Empty"
                _data.StoreItemDatas.Add(new ItemData(EmptyDisplayName, null, null));