Stores - Custom Stores
Allow players to purchase items from in-game stores [ECON-Stores-05]
The purpose of this guide is for game makers to setup a complete custom store experience using Beamable.
This guide includes everything needed to use the CommerceService in the "Beamable SDK for Unity".
Game Maker User Experience
There are 3 major parts to Store setup process. During development, the game maker's user experience is as follows:
Follow these steps to get started:
Related Guides
A common use case for the feature is covered in the guides.
- Complete steps 1-3 from Using Store Flow before continuing below.
Step | Detail |
Step 1. Setup Unity IAP | • See Setup Unity IAP |
Step 2. Setup Platform | • See Setup Platform |
Step 3. Setup Beamable Content | • See Setup Beamable Content |
Step 4b. Setup Custom UI
Step | Detail |
1. Create the custom store with C# | • See the Example below |
A highlight of the functionality is the Purchase
await _beamContext.Api.CommerceService.Purchase(storeSymbol, listingSymbol);
Here are examples which cover common programming needs.
Beamable SDK Examples
• The following example code is available for download at
The CommerceServiceExample.cs
demonstrates the custom store experience.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Beamable.Examples.Shared;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using Beamable.Api.Payments;
using Beamable.Common.Api.Inventory;
using Beamable.Common.Inventory;
using Beamable.Common.Shop;
namespace Beamable.Examples.Services.CommerceService
public class RefreshedUnityEvent : UnityEvent<CommerceServiceExampleData> { }
/// <summary>
/// Demonstrates <see cref="CommerceService"/>.
/// </summary>
public class CommerceServiceExample : MonoBehaviour
// Events ---------------------------------------
public RefreshedUnityEvent OnRefreshed = new RefreshedUnityEvent();
// Fields ---------------------------------------
private const string ItemContentType = "items";
private const string CurrencyContentType = "currency";
private const string CurrencyType = "currency.Coin";
private const string EmptyDisplayName = "[Empty]";
private const string CurrencyDisplayName = "Coin";
private StoreRef _storeRef = null;
private StoreContent _storeContent = null;
private BeamContext _beamContext;
private CommerceServiceExampleData _data = new CommerceServiceExampleData();
// Unity Methods --------------------------------
protected void Start()
Debug.Log($"Start() Instructions...\n\n" +
" * Ensure Computer's Internet Is Active\n" +
" * Run The Scene\n" +
" * See Onscreen UI Show HasInternet = true\n" +
" * Ensure Computer's Internet Is NOT Active\n" +
" * See Onscreen UI Show HasInternet = false\n");
// Methods --------------------------------------
private async void SetupBeamable()
_beamContext = BeamContext.Default;
await _beamContext.OnReady;
Debug.Log($"beamContext.PlayerId = {_beamContext.PlayerId}");
_storeContent = await _storeRef.Resolve();
// Observe Changes
_beamContext.Api.InventoryService.Subscribe(ItemContentType, Inventory_OnChanged);
_beamContext.Api.InventoryService.Subscribe(CurrencyContentType, Currency_OnChanged);
_beamContext.Api.CommerceService.Subscribe(_storeContent.Id, CommerceService_OnChanged);
// Update UI Immediately
public async void Buy()
if (_data.SelectedItemData == null)
Debug.LogError($"BuySelectedStoreItem() failed because _selectedItemData =
if (!_data.CanAffordSelectedStoreItemData)
Debug.LogError($"BuySelectedStoreItem() failed because CanAffordSelectedStoreItemData =
// Buy!
string storeSymbol = _storeContent.Id;
string listingSymbol = _data.SelectedItemData.PlayerListingView.symbol;
await _beamContext.Api.CommerceService.Purchase(storeSymbol, listingSymbol);
public void Refresh()
string refreshLog = $"Refresh() ..." +
$"\n * StoreItemDatas.Count = {_data.StoreItemDatas.Count}\n\n" +
$"\n * InventoryItemDatas.Count = {_data.InventoryItemDatas.Count}\n\n" +
$"\n * CurrencyAmount.Count = {_data.CurrencyAmount}\n\n";
_data.InstructionLogs.Add("Click `Buy` to add 1 item to Inventory");
_data.InstructionLogs.Add("or Click `Reset` to delete and create a new player");
// Send relevant data to the UI for rendering
// Event Handlers -------------------------------
private async void Inventory_OnChanged(InventoryView inventoryView)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<ItemView>> kvp in inventoryView.items)
string itemName = ExampleProjectHelper.GetDisplayNameFromContentId(kvp.Key);
ItemContent itemContent = await
ExampleProjectHelper.GetItemContentById(_beamContext, kvp.Key);
string title = $"{itemName} x {kvp.Value.Count}";
ItemData itemData = new ItemData(title, itemContent, null);
if (_data.InventoryItemDatas.Count == 0)
// Show "Empty"
_data.InventoryItemDatas.Add(new ItemData(EmptyDisplayName, null, null));
private async void Currency_OnChanged(InventoryView inventoryViewForCurrencies)
_data.CurrencyAmount = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, long> kvp in inventoryViewForCurrencies.currencies)
if (kvp.Key == CurrencyType)
_data.CurrencyAmount = (int)kvp.Value;
string itemName = ExampleProjectHelper.GetDisplayNameFromContentId(kvp.Key);
CurrencyContent currencyContent =
await ExampleProjectHelper.GetCurrencyContentById(_beamContext, kvp.Key);
_data.CurrencyContent = currencyContent;
_data.CurrencyLogs.Add($"{itemName} x {kvp.Value}");
Debug.Log("_data.CurrencyAmount: " + _data.CurrencyAmount);
if (_data.CurrencyLogs.Count == 0)
private async void CommerceService_OnChanged(PlayerStoreView playerStoreView)
foreach (PlayerListingView playerListingView in playerStoreView.listings)
int price = playerListingView.offer.price.amount;
string contentId = playerListingView.offer.obtainItems[0].contentId;
string itemName = ExampleProjectHelper.GetDisplayNameFromContentId(contentId);
ItemContent itemContent = await ExampleProjectHelper.GetItemContentById(_beamContext,
string title = $"{itemName} ({price} {CurrencyDisplayName})";
ItemData itemData = new ItemData(title, itemContent, playerListingView);
if (_data.StoreItemDatas.Count == 0)
// Show "Empty"
_data.StoreItemDatas.Add(new ItemData(EmptyDisplayName, null, null));
Updated 12 months ago