
What is the .beamable folder?

The Beam CLI uses a ./beamable folder to manage state between multiple invocations of beam commands. The ./beamable folder has information for 1 Beamable project.
Everytime you execute a beam command, it searches for the nearest ./beamable folder in the parent lineage of your current directory. If you run beam config in a folder containing ./beamable, or any child folder, then that ./beamable folder is used for the configuration.

We can also pass --dir <directory_path> flag to beam command in order to specify specific directory to use as config directory.


With given structure:

call directorywhich config would be used
someOtherFolderno config is available


From any folder, you can run the beam config command to print information about your current Beamable folder.

In the example directory structure above, if the beam config command was invoked from the mainFolder, it would log information about the mainFolder/.beamable folder.

mainFolder % dotnet beam config
    "host": "",                        
    "cid": "<redacted>",                                 
    "pid": "<redacted>",                              
    "configPath": "/Users/examples/mainFolder/.beamable" 

However, if the beam config command was invoked from the someOtherFolder path, you should expect to see an error, because there is no .beamable folder within the parent linear.

someOtherFolder % dotnet beam config

**Error** [0404]: Could not find any .beamable config folder which is required for this command.

NOTE: Consider calling `beam init` first.


Logs at


Folder structure

The one file that always will and should be is connection-configuration.json containing info about host, CID and PID of current configuration.
The rest of the files are described in the table below:

pathdescriptioncan be included in VCS
.gitignoreDefault rules what should not be included in git VCSyes
temp/connection-auth.jsonFile containing local user credentialsno
localTags.jsonFile containing tags of local contentyes
Content/*jsonFiles describing each contentyes