Lobbies - Code



Experimental API

Please note that this feature currently includes an experimental API. Game makers will have to replace any experimental namespace when the finalized version is released.


These examples cover common use cases for Lobbies. The _beamContext variable used below is an instance of the BeamContext class and may be obtained by BeamContext.Default:

Create Lobby

The Create method will create a lobby with specified parameters which can be accessed through _beamContext.Lobby.Value.

The Create method requires:

  • name the name of the lobby.
  • LobbyRestriction has 2 possible values:
    • Open means the lobby can be joined by any player who knows the lobbyId.
    • Closed allows players to join the lobby by passcode.
  • gameTypeId the id of the SimGameType which is a Beamable ContentObject for multiplayer matchmaking.

The Create method has a number of optional parameters:

  • description additional information about the lobby.
  • playerTags list of arbitrary name/value pairs associated with a LobbyPlayer for custom player metadata or properties.
  • maxPlayers determines maximum allowed number of players in the lobby. If not specified, it defaults to the maximum players set under teams in SimGameType.
  • passcodeLength the length of the passcode that would be auto-generated by the backend.
  • statsToInclude list of stat keys to include with lobby requests.
public async Task CreateLobbyAsync(CreateLobbyRecord lobbyRecord) =>
        await _beamContext.Lobby.Create(lobbyRecord.Name, lobbyRecord.Restriction, lobbyRecord.GameTypeId,
            lobbyRecord.Description, lobbyRecord.PlayerTags, lobbyRecord.MaxPlayers, lobbyRecord.PasscodeLength);

Update Lobby

The Update method will update details about an existing lobby which can be accessed through _beamContext.Lobby.Value.

The Update method requires:

  • lobbyId a unique identifier for the existing lobby.
  • LobbyRestriction
  • newHost the playerId of a LobbyPlayer.

The Update method has a number of optional parameters:

  • description
  • gameType
  • maxPlayers
public async Task UpdateLobbyAsync(UpdateLobbyRecord lobbyRecord) =>
        await _beamContext.Lobby.Update(ActiveLobby.lobbyId, lobbyRecord.Restriction, ActiveLobby.host,
            lobbyRecord.Name, lobbyRecord.Description, lobbyRecord.GameTypeId, lobbyRecord.MaxPlayers);

Finding Lobbies

The FindLobbies method will find all open lobbies and will return a LobbyQueryResponse.

public async Task FindLobbiesAsync() => Lobbies = (await _beamContext.Lobby.FindLobbies()).results;

Finding Lobbies By Game Type

The FindLobbiesOfType method will find all lobbies of a particular game type and will return a LobbyQueryResponse.

The FindLobbiesOfType method has optional parameters for pagination:

  • limit defaults to 100 if not specified.
  • skip defaults to 0 if not specified.
public async Task FindLobbiesOfTypeAsync(string gameType) =>
        Lobbies = (await _beamContext.Lobby.FindLobbiesOfType(gameType)).results;

Join Lobby

The Join method will allow players to join an existing open lobby by lobbyId. Optionally, you can send playerTags with the join lobby request.

public async Task JoinLobbyAsync(JoinLobbyRecord lobbyRecord) =>
        await _beamContext.Lobby.Join(lobbyRecord.LobbyId, lobbyRecord.PlayerTags);

Join Lobby By Passcode

The JoinByPasscode method will allow players to join an existing closed lobby by passcode. Optionally, you can send playerTags with the join lobby by passcode request.

public async Task JoinLobbyByPasscodeAsync(JoinLobbyByPasscodeRecord lobbyRecord) =>
        await _beamContext.Lobby.JoinByPasscode(lobbyRecord.Passcode, lobbyRecord.PlayerTags);

Kick Player Out Of Lobby

The KickPlayer method will allow a host to remove a player with the given playerId from the lobby.

public async Task KickPlayerOutOfLobbyAsync(string playerId) => await _beamContext.Lobby.KickPlayer(playerId);

Leave Lobby

The Leave method will allow a player to leave the lobby and would notify the lobby that the player intends to leave.

public async Task LeaveLobbyAsync() => await _beamContext.Lobby.Leave();

Lobby Event

The following event is available

public Action<Lobby> OnDataUpdated;

Sample Code

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Beamable;
using Beamable.Experimental.Api.Lobbies;
using UnityEngine;

public class BeamManager : MonoBehaviour
    private BeamContext _beamContext;

    public List<Lobby> Lobbies { get; private set; }

    public Lobby ActiveLobby { get; private set; }
    public string PlayerId { get; private set;  }
    private void Start() => SetupBeamable();

    private async void SetupBeamable()
        _beamContext = BeamContext.Default;
        await _beamContext.OnReady;
        _beamContext.Lobby.OnDataUpdated += OnLobbyDataUpdated;
        PlayerId = _beamContext.PlayerId.ToString();

    private void OnDestroy()
        if (_beamContext == null) return;
        _beamContext.Lobby.OnDataUpdated -= OnLobbyDataUpdated;

    public async Task FindLobbiesAsync() => Lobbies = (await _beamContext.Lobby.FindLobbies()).results;

    public async Task FindLobbiesOfTypeAsync(string gameType) =>
        Lobbies = (await _beamContext.Lobby.FindLobbiesOfType(gameType)).results;

    public async Task CreateLobbyAsync(CreateLobbyRecord lobbyRecord) =>
        await _beamContext.Lobby.Create(lobbyRecord.Name, lobbyRecord.Restriction, lobbyRecord.GameTypeId,
            lobbyRecord.Description, lobbyRecord.PlayerTags, lobbyRecord.MaxPlayers, lobbyRecord.PasscodeLength);

    public async Task UpdateLobbyAsync(UpdateLobbyRecord lobbyRecord) =>
        await _beamContext.Lobby.Update(ActiveLobby.lobbyId, lobbyRecord.Restriction, ActiveLobby.host,
            lobbyRecord.Name, lobbyRecord.Description, lobbyRecord.GameTypeId, lobbyRecord.MaxPlayers);

    public async Task JoinLobbyAsync(JoinLobbyRecord lobbyRecord) =>
        await _beamContext.Lobby.Join(lobbyRecord.LobbyId, lobbyRecord.PlayerTags);

    public async Task JoinLobbyByPasscodeAsync(JoinLobbyByPasscodeRecord lobbyRecord) =>
        await _beamContext.Lobby.JoinByPasscode(lobbyRecord.Passcode, lobbyRecord.PlayerTags);

    public async Task KickPlayerOutOfLobbyAsync(string playerId) => await _beamContext.Lobby.KickPlayer(playerId);

    public async Task LeaveLobbyAsync() => await _beamContext.Lobby.Leave();

    private void OnLobbyDataUpdated(Lobby lobby)
        if (lobby == null) return;
        ActiveLobby = lobby;

public record CreateLobbyRecord
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public LobbyRestriction Restriction { get; set; }
    public string GameTypeId { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public List<Tag> PlayerTags { get; set;  }
    public int? MaxPlayers { get; set; }
    public int? PasscodeLength { get; set; }

public record UpdateLobbyRecord
    public LobbyRestriction Restriction { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string GameTypeId { get; set; }
    public int? MaxPlayers { get; set; }

public record JoinLobbyRecord
    public string LobbyId { get; set; }
    public List<Tag> PlayerTags { get; set;  }

public record JoinLobbyByPasscodeRecord
    public string Passcode { get; set; }
    public List<Tag> PlayerTags { get; set;  }