Matchmaking - Overview


The Beamable Multiplayer feature allows game makers to create real-time and turn-based multi-user game experiences. For a project to offer multiplayer, it must first offer matchmaking.

In multiplayer gaming, matchmaking is the process of creating/finding a Match (e.g. Multiplayer 'Room') based on criteria. For example, a client could say "give me a match to play in with 2 total players of any skill level". Beamable supports matchmaking through its MatchmakingService.

The Matchmaking service has many built-in events to attach listeners (e.g. match starting, search timeout, etc). This makes it very simple to connect your game's custom UI to Beamable's services.

The outcome of a successful matchmaking search gives the participating players a match ID. This can be used to integrate Beamable's in-house Multiplayer solution, or a third-party multiplayer suite such as Photon.

The basic flow for matchmaking is described below:

Start MatchmakingThe player is entered into a matchmaking search, where they will be matched up with other similarly skilled players.
Wait For SearchThe player waits for other players to also enter matchmaking. This is a good place to display matchmaking callbacks to the user (how many players have been found so far, how long the search has taken in seconds, etc).
Report TimeoutIf a duration of time has passed and a suitable match has not been found, the search is ended, at which point the player will need to restart searching.
Join MatchA suitable match has been found, the participating clients are now supplied with a match ID which they can use to join the "room".


Related Features

More details are covered in related feature page(s).

Multiplayer - Allow game makers to create multi-user experiences