Admin - Overview


Beamable provides you with an easy way to get debug information about your Beamable game. We provide you with a command line tool, as a prefab, that can be placed in a unity scene and allow you to access information via command.


This is currently a Unity only feature

This feature currently requires Unity 3D development environment and is not available for other platforms. It is designed to be used within the Unity Editor.

LOGIN_ACCOUNTLogin to the PlayerId designated by the given username & password
IDFAGet the Advertising ID of the current device
HEARTBEATGet the heart beat of a user account
TOKENShow current access token
EXPIRE_TOKENExpires the current access token
CORRUPT_TOKENCorrupts the current access token to trigger the refresh token flow
RESETClear the access token and start with a fresh account

These are but a few of the commands you can perform from within the Admin tool. To get a full list of the available commands you can type help at the prompt and see all available commands.