Microservice UPM

Sharing a Microservice with Unity via UPM


Before you can use Distribute a Microservice with UPM, you need to complete the
. That means having Dotnet 8 installed, and getting the Beam CLI.

You can confirm you have everything installed checking the versions of the tools.

dotnet --version
beam version # beam --version also works.

You also need to have a local .beamable workspace with a Beamable
Standalone Microservice. As a reminder, you can create one quickly using the commands below.

beam init Project
cd Project
dotnet beam project new service Service


Standalone Microservice projects can be distributed as Unity Package Manager
(UPM) packages, which allows downstream Unity projects to re-use an existing

However, there are several configuration steps required in the Standalone
Microservice project.

Preparing the Microservice

Follow these steps to convert an existing Standalone Microservice into a UPM
compatible Microservice.

  1. Rename "services" folder to "services~"

  2. Modify the .sln file to mirror the folder name change.

  3. Create a local Assets folder next to the .beamable folder

  4. Create a Runtime folder and a Runtime/Client folder next to the .beamable folder

  5. Create a file in the .beamable folder called linked-projects.json,

        "unityProjectsPaths": [

    So far, your folder structure should at least have these files.

  6. In the Runtime/Client folder, create a file called Service.Client. asmdef (replace "Service" with your service name), and paste the following,

       "name": "Service.Client",
       "autoReferenced": true

    Make sure to replace "Service" in the "name" field with your service

  7. Now you are ready to generate the client code. To do this, run the
    following command AFTER building your Microservice. This command
    should be run from the /services~/Service folder.

    dotnet beam project generate-client ./bin/Debug/net8.0/Service.dll --output-links --output-path-hints "Service=Runtime/Client/ServiceClient.cs" --logs v
  8. You need to create a package.json file. Place it next to the /Assets
    folder in the Microservice project.

         "name": "com.service",
         "version": "0.0.0",
         "displayName": "Demo"

Finally, your project structure should look similar to this,

So far, your folder structure should at least have these files.


Preparing the Unity Project

Now that the Microservice is ready, in order to import it into a Unity
project as a UPM package, follow these steps.

  1. Ensure that the Unity project is referencing Beamable's packages.
    At least Beamable version com.beamable and com.beamable.server 2.1.3 is
  2. In Unity Package Manager, add a package from disk, and select the path to
    your created package.json from the previous steps.
  3. Modify the .beamable/additional-project-paths.json file in the Unity
    project and add the path to the UPM project folder.