Microservice Storage - Extension class


To make interactions with mongo storage feature easier and more affordable we've introduced MongoCrudExtensions class that contains following methods:

  • Get
  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete


In the example, there is a TestDocument storage document as described below.

namespace Beamable.Server
	public class TestDocument : StorageDocument
		public int IntValue;
		public string StringValue;

The example targets the TestStorage StorageObject class.

using Beamable.Common;
using MongoDB.Driver;

namespace Beamable.Server
	public class TestStorage : MongoStorageObject

Then, in a Microservice, the TestDocument can be created, read, updated, and deleted as shown below.

using Beamable.Mongo;
using Beamable.Server;
using MongoDB.Driver;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Beamable.Microservices
	public class TestMicroservice : Microservice
		public async void Get(string id)
			TestDocument document = await Storage.Get<TestStorage, TestDocument>(id);

		public async void Create(int intValue, string stringValue)
			await Storage.Create<TestStorage, TestDocument>(new TestDocument
				IntValue = intValue, StringValue = stringValue,

		public async void Update(string id, int intValue, string stringValue)
			await Storage.Update<TestStorage, TestDocument>(id, new TestDocument
				IntValue = intValue,
				StringValue = stringValue

		public async void Delete(string id)
			await Storage.Delete<TestStorage, TestDocument>(id);


The Collection Name is the Class Name

When you use these helper methods, the Mongo Collection for the TestDocument class will be called "TestDocument".